Let's change from our previous lifestyle and pursue salvation - Apostle Emmanuel Kofi Tetteh
Let's change from our previous lifestyle and pursue salvation - Apostle Emmanuel Kofi Tetteh
Let's change from our previous lifestyle and
pursue salvation - Apostle Emmanuel Kofi Tetteh
The area head of the Apostolic Church Ghana, Bibiani district, Apostle Emmanuel Kofi Tetteh Abadji has called for a complete overhaul of our previous lifestyle and seek salvation from Jesus Christ since He died for our sins.
He delivered a speech during the wrap up of the church’s Easter convention on Sunday. His speech, titled “The Veil is Torn,” drew inspiration from the gospel of Saint Matthew chapter 27 verse 51.
The veil that was torn in two from top to bottom because of Jesus’ death paved the way for gentiles, sinners to draw closer to Him (Jesus), he added.
Apostle Abadji on the hand, urged us to not play politics with the LGBTQ+ therefore, calling on President Akufo Addo to assent to the anti-LGBTQI+ bill into law since such an act is blasphemous and taboo against our Ghanaian culture, God and He punished Sodom, Gomorrah for their indulgence in the same act showing that the act prevent procreation and reproduction of offsprings therefore shouldn’t be entertained.
Some congregants also expressed their views on the subject (LGBTQ) where they advised Mr president to sign the bill with no excuses.
Source: Bibianinews.com/AkuapemHann