W/N: Decline In Governance Reducing Interest In Local Level Elections - Sefwi Juaboso NCCE Director

W/N: Decline In Governance Reducing Interest In Local Level Elections - Sefwi Juaboso NCCE Director

W/N: Decline In Governance Reducing Interest In Local Level Elections - Sefwi Juaboso NCCE Director
Electoral Commission


The District Level Elections have been recording low turnout over the years. Many of the voters fail to exercise their franchise in the Assembly Members and unit committee members' election resulting in a low turnout.

Bibianinews.com's Obrempong Kwame Yeboah speaking to the director of the National Commission for Civil Education for the Sehwi Juaboso District, Stephen Tikoli said voters fail to vote during the Assembly Members and unit committee members elections due to the decline in the governance regarding the decentralization process.

According to the NCCE director, the assembly and unit committee members do not get the necessary resources to work in their various electoral areas from the district assembly. He said since the assembly and unit committee members are not resourceful and do not get any support from the assemblies it becomes very difficult for them to perform the their various electoral areas. In the end, the residents will however blame them for doing nothing hence they may not have an interest in exercising their franchise at the Dentist Level Elections.

Also, some of the voters who spoke to Sompa said to they have no interest in the DLE because they do not see any development that their any development that their elected members champion for the community, and again, the publicity of the DLE is also very low.

However, the Juaboso District Electoral Commission Officer, Fatima Kantom said they are well- prepared for the exercise ahead. However, she expressed worry about the male dominating over Assembly Members poll.

Source: Bibianinews/
Obrempong Kwame Yeboah.