W/N/R : Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of as instruments to obtain votes - Chirano Krontihene to the youth
W/N/R : Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of as instruments to obtain votes - Chirano Krontihene to the youth
W/N/R : Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of as instruments to obtain votes - Chirano Krontihene to the youth
The Chief of Sefwi Surano “A” in the Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekwai Municipality of the Western North Region who doubles as the Krontihene of Chirano Traditional Council Nana Kwadwo Mpan Ababio-Oko Ahiko, has urged the youth to be cautious of politicians who would like to use them to foment trouble in the coming election.
He said election was a decision-making time for one to choose the ideology or policy he or she preferred and, therefore, young people must preserve their energy and integrity for the transformation of the country.
He said: “When politicians influence you in any way to cause confusion and conflict asked them to use their family members first, and that will make such nation wreckers to think twice.”
Speaking with Hamza Mohammed, Nana Oko-Ahiko said wars and communal unrest in certain countries had left many people homeless, maimed and dead and that Ghanaians, especially the youth, should take a cue from that and desist from such acts before, during and after the election.
Explaining further, “Political parties must always act in the best interest of youth, and act more responsibly in order to lay a better foundation for the youth to appreciate the electoral processes of Ghana and uphold their tenets,” he added
“I would like to use this opportunity to call on the youth to not allow yourselves to be used to foment trouble.” Be it on the streets or social media as this year’s general election approaches.